Irvington, KY Real Estate amp Rumah Dijual Pindah Ke: alamat XX Kalkulator biaya dimaksudkan untuk memberikan perkiraan kasar untuk keperluan informasi saja dan tidak dianggap sebagai kutipan aktual dari total biaya kirim Anda. Data yang diberikan oleh Moving Pro Network LLC. Lebih Kalkulator didasarkan pada biaya rata-rata industri. Biaya bergerak Anda dapat bervariasi, tergantung pada berat aktual barang Anda, layanan yang Anda minta atau butuhkan untuk menyelesaikan kepindahannya, dan pada harga setiap penggerak individual. Juga, biaya tertentu tidak tercermin dalam perhitungan ini, misalnya biaya tambahan bahan bakar yang mungkin berlaku pada saat biaya bergerak dan penilaian Anda. Dapatkan Penawaran Gratis dari Penggerak Profesional Terima kasih Pesan Anda sedang dalam perjalanan. Seorang profesional yang bergerak akan segera menghubungi Anda. Temukan Irvington, rumah KY untuk dijual dan perumahan Irvington lainnya di realtorreg. Cari rumah Irvington, kondominium, townhomes dan rumah keluarga dengan harga dan lokasi. Database daftar real estat kami yang luas memberikan rincian properti paling komprehensif seperti nilai rumah, fitur dan info sekolah dan lingkungan setempat sehingga Anda dapat yakin bahwa Anda memiliki hampir semua fakta yang Anda butuhkan dimuka. Cari realtorreg hari ini Ingin melihat lebih dekat properti properti Irvington lainnya. Juga cari listing kami di Irvington Open Houses. Listing Irvington terbaru dan Rumah Irvington dengan Harga Reduksi sekarang. Membuat pilihan yang tepat pada sebuah properti mungkin tampak seperti banyak pekerjaan, dan ada banyak hal yang perlu diketahui, tapi tidak perlu merepotkan. Ketika Anda mencari rumah Irvington, KY untuk dijual dengan realtorreg, Anda mendapatkan semua informasi yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat keputusan yang bagus, dan Anda mendapatkannya dengan cepat. Tidak hanya informasi real estat Irvington, rincian dimensi properti dan jumlah kamar, ada juga informasi lingkungan Irvington. Komunitas tempat properti Anda berada dapat memiliki dampak serius pada nilai properti dan kualitas hidup, dan daftar ini dibuat dengan kenyataan itu dalam pikiran. Temukan rumah yang tepat di realtorreg dengan bantuan alat penelusuran yang dapat mempersempit properti yang akan dijual di properti properti Irvington Anda hingga properti yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perumahan atau properti Anda. Meskipun kami menggunakan catatan publik untuk melengkapi daftar kami, seringkali Anda tidak akan hanya menemukan harga properti, dimensi, dan jumlah kamar. Listing di sini juga memiliki rincian properti, gambar, peta, dan fitur properti lainnya yang sangat penting untuk proses pencarian. Bila Anda menemukan tempat yang tepat, cari informasi kontak REALTORreg tepat di daftar untuk menjadwalkan pertunjukan. Dapatkan lebih banyak informasi hanya dengan sekali klik. Pelajari tentang lingkungan sekitar saat Anda menemukan peta interaktif, statistik, dan grafik sederhana yang mudah dimengerti. Anda akan sering menemukan informasi sekolah, fakta pasar real estat, dan masih sedikit usaha. Menemukan Irvington real estat tidak harus merepotkan. Dapatkan informasi properti dan lingkungan dengan cepat menggunakan daftar pencarian lengkap yang disediakan oleh agen real estat sehingga Anda bisa masuk ke rumah baru Anda tanpa berburu barang yang ditarik keluar. Copy1995-2017 National Association of REALTORS reg dan Move, Inc. Semua hak dilindungi undang-undang. Makelar reg adalah situs resmi dari National Association of REALTORS reg dan dioperasikan oleh Move, Inc. sebuah anak perusahaan News Corp.70043 Rumah Real Estate untuk Dijual Pindah Ke: alamat XX Kalkulator biaya dimaksudkan untuk memberikan perkiraan perkiraan waktu untuk Tujuan informasi saja dan tidak dianggap sebagai kutipan aktual dari total biaya bergerak Anda. Data yang diberikan oleh Moving Pro Network LLC. Lebih Kalkulator didasarkan pada biaya rata-rata industri. Biaya bergerak Anda dapat bervariasi, tergantung pada berat aktual barang Anda, layanan yang Anda minta atau butuhkan untuk menyelesaikan kepindahannya, dan pada harga setiap penggerak individual. Juga, biaya tertentu tidak tercermin dalam perhitungan ini, misalnya biaya tambahan bahan bakar yang mungkin berlaku pada saat biaya bergerak dan penilaian Anda. Dapatkan Penawaran Gratis dari Penggerak Profesional Terima kasih Pesan Anda sedang dalam perjalanan. Seorang profesional yang bergerak akan segera menghubungi Anda. Apa jenis rumah Chalmette, LA 70043 untuk dijual, apakah Anda mencari rumah yang menempatkan Anda di tengah aksi, rumah di luar hiruk pikuk, atau mungkin sesuatu yang lain. Apa pun yang Anda cari, makelar barang tak bergerak dapat membantu Anda menemukan 70043 rumah dijual yang memenuhi kebutuhan Anda sehingga Anda dapat menemukan yang mengungguli semuanya. Dan seperti REALTORSreg yang berada di balik jutaan daftar properti di realtorreg, kami akan memberi Anda informasi dan sumber daya yang Anda butuhkan. Dari informasi pasar real estat untuk area 70043, panduan dan saran untuk banyak pertanyaan Anda. Realtorreg hanyalah sumber online terbesar dan terpercaya saat Anda mencari rumah Chalmette, LA 70043 untuk dijual. Siap mencari lebih cerdas dan mudah Biarkan makelar barang, dengan statistik terperinci pada 70043 pencarian properti, tunjukkan caranya. Saat Anda mencari di sini, Anda mendapatkan informasi lengkap mengenai klik mouse. Ini termasuk peta interaktif yang dapat menunjukkan kepada Anda di mana zona penjualan panas berada di lingkungan sekitar, di mana bank lokal dan toko kelontong berada, dan apa yang dapat Anda harapkan dari sekolah di daerah tersebut. Anda bahkan akan mendapatkan grafik yang akan membantu Anda membandingkan harga rumah rata-rata. Semua yang dibutuhkan untuk menemukan rumah yang tepat untuk Anda ada di sini. Jika Anda ingin mempersonalisasi pengalaman realtorreg Anda, cukup masuk ke situs ini untuk menyimpan penelusuran favorit Anda di properti, sekolah, dan lingkungan sekitar dan untuk mengaktifkan pemberitahuan. Pemberitahuan akan mengingatkan Anda bila ada perubahan pada daftar yang relevan dengan Anda atau saat properti baru muncul sesuai dengan kriteria pencarian yang Anda simpan. Dan itu hanya sebagian dari apa yang bisa Anda lakukan di realtorreg. Ada kalender acara dan bagian yang berguna seperti Home Finance dan Home and Garden agar Anda dapat memanfaatkannya juga. Daftar properti untuk Chalmette, LA 70043 rumah dijual lebih rinci di makelar. Manfaatkan sumber dan alat real estat terbaik di sini, di ujung jari Anda. Copy1995-2017 National Association of REALTORS reg dan Move, Inc. Semua hak dilindungi undang-undang. Makelar reg adalah situs resmi dari National Association of REALTORS reg dan dioperasikan oleh Move, Inc. sebuah anak perusahaan dari News Corp. quotDelectusquot digital release (dan lebih banyak lagi) quotDelectusquot 13 CD box set - elsew review part 2: Kotak fisik yang ditetapkan quotDelectusquot 13 kotak CD - elsew review bagian 1: Audio Hari ini menandai rilis resmi quotDelectusquot, kotak baru Vangelis, dan memang, foto dan laporan di media sosial menunjukkan bahwa salinan ada di toko dan dikirim dari pre-order internet. Salinan evaluasi kami belum sampai, namun kami memutuskan untuk terus melanjutkan dan membagikan temuan kami mengenai audio tersebut dalam sebuah ulasan berdasarkan evaluasi ekstensif isi CD-R promosi. Bagian kedua dari tinjauan kami, memeriksa kemasan dan buklet produk ini akan menyusul kemudian, namun mari kita katakan sekarang, kata awal mengenai hal ini sangat sangat positif. Ini harus menjadi satu kotak yang indah untuk dipegang di tangan Anda. Saya membandingkan setiap album dengan cetakan CD Western Eropa yang asli. Perhatikan bahwa dengan kebutuhan, penilaian didasarkan pada perbandingan yang cermat antara bagian-bagian album yang dipilih. Tidak ada perbandingan seperti itu yang bisa diharapkan untuk menampilkan setiap detail atau masalah yang nyata. Tidak diragukan lagi, mendengarkan dan menganalisis lebih lanjut di masa depan dapat memunculkan poin dan perubahan lainnya. Untuk memulai dengan pertanyaan penting apakah remasters ini benar-benar didasarkan pada transfer baru dari kaset audio asli, dengan menilai faktor-faktor seperti sedikit perbedaan dalam kecepatan sampel, kami mengonfirmasi bahwa setiap album ini benar-benar dialihkan dari tape ke domain digital. . Secara tradisional, ini adalah bagian inti dari CD remaster, karena dapat meningkatkan kualitas digitalisasi, dan harus menyediakan sumber yang paling murni untuk kemungkinan penguasaan tweak lebih lanjut. QuotDelectusquot dengan anggun melewati tes pertama ini Heres temuan lebih lanjut saya, album demi album: CD ini benar-benar sesuai dengan master yang digunakan oleh Esoteric untuk merilis edisi ulang LP baru-baru ini dari album ini. Kata LP datang dengan kode download untuk file WAV tanpa rugi, yang memungkinkan studi cermat tentang masternya. Kualitas suara yang dihasilkan dari remaster ini sebenarnya sangat bagus, dan sangat mirip dengan suara aslinya, dengan sedikit perbaikan dalam kejernihan. Namun, banyak yang akan menolak penggunaan beberapa reverb (modern) tambahan, yang berada di luar lingkup remaster yang sesuai dengan aslinya. Ini agak sedikit direvisi versi album. Sementara elsew tidak menyetujui menambahkan reverb modern ke rekaman 1973 klasik, saya menekankan bahwa reverb yang ditambahkan dicampur dengan cukup halus, dan pada beberapa bagian memang benar-benar meningkatkan pengalaman sonik. Drum keras yang keras itu misalnya sangat kering. Namun, permintaan untuk remaster digital yang cermat dan otentik dari album asli belum terpenuhi. 2. lApocalypse Des Animaux Sama seperti CD quotEarthquot, remaster ini cocok dengan edisi ulang Esoteric LP baru-baru ini. Dalam kasus quotlApocalypse Des Animauxquot, sejumlah besar reverb ditambahkan ke sebagian besar trek di album ini, meskipun yang asli tidak pernah sangat kering untuk memulai. Dengan lapisan akustik ekstra ini, musiknya dicuci seluruhnya, meninggalkan vonis yang sangat sederhana: Stick dengan rilis CD asli. Master CD asli Chinas (untuk semua pengepungan yang diketahui) memiliki masalah utama dengan modulasi volume siklik (tapi berkembang) yang mempengaruhi hampir semua album, namun meningkat dalam intensitas mendekati akhir (yaitu quotHimalayaquot, quotSummitquot), dan untuk memulai dengan itu , Remaster ini benar-benar memecahkan masalah itu. Inilah transfer analog ke digital yang kami butuhkan untuk album ini. Vangelis juga memperbaiki pemerataan, memberikan suara yang jauh lebih jelas dan seimbang yang sangat menyenangkan untuk didengarkan. Namun, seperti beberapa album lain di kotak ini, ada masalah dengan reverb modern yang ditambahkan ke beberapa trek. QuotChung Kuoquot (pengindeksan tetap seperti CD, yang berbeda dari vinil Inggris asli) tidak dihibur, namun cukup terlihat pada kutipan Tao Of Lovequot, quotHimalayaquot dan lagu lainnya. Sementara saya merasa ini membuat album versi revisi rahter daripada remaster sejati, saya harus mengatakan bahwa dalam kasus Chinas ini telah dilakukan dengan sangat selera dan efektif sehingga ini benar-benar menariknya keluar. Kedengarannya cantik seperti ini. Mungkin hasil terbaik dari semua reverbed remaster yang telah dilakukan Vangelis sejauh ini. Di sisi lain, masalah dalam penguasaan CD asli membuat remaster asli untuk China masih sangat dibutuhkan. Begitu dekat 4. Melihat Anda Kemudian Dengan tiga lagu bonusnya, inilah album dengan konten paling baru. Dan sementara quotMy Lovequot dan quotDomestic Logic Onequot selalu tersedia dengan single 7quot, dan rekaman quotNeighbours Abovequot diketahui oleh penggemar dari tes awal yang bocor yang menekan album tersebut (bukti kuat quotFertilizationquot tetap belum dirilis), sangat menyenangkan untuk akhirnya mendengarnya. Trek dengan kualitas CD yang benar. Sisa album terdengar sangat berbeda dari master aslinya. Beberapa trek memiliki reverb baru ditambahkan, meskipun saya tidak berpikir ini dilakukan untuk semua trek. QuotMemories of Greenquot tampaknya telah lolos dari iman itu. Versi remaster favorit penggemar ini tidak hanya terdengar lebih jernih dan lebih terang dari CD aslinya. Tampaknya CD asli pasti memiliki beberapa bentuk penyaringan aneh yang berlaku yang hanya menonjol saat Anda membandingkannya dengan master baru. Versi yang dikoreksi sangat disambut baik, inilah yang kita butuhkan untuk remaster tersebut. QuotMultitrack Suggestionquot dan quotNot a Bit, Semua Itquot bagaimanapun memiliki reverb ditambahkan, dan yang terakhir bahkan memiliki potongan kecil: Dulu diakhiri dengan kata quotObviously. Quot, yang sekarang telah dihilangkan 5. Antartika Membandingkan jalur pembuka, master baru terasa sedikit quotlouderquot daripada yang asli. Syukurlah, tidak ada reverb baru yang tampaknya ditambahkan ke salah satu lagu di album ini. Lagu pembuka bagaimanapun memiliki beberapa masalah dengan beberapa kelompok drop-out audio pendek yang menciptakan nuansa yang agak tidak enak. Trek lain sepertinya tidak terpengaruh oleh ini, dan itu adalah contoh bagus untuk remastering yang hati-hati dan otentik: transfer digital yang disempurnakan dengan baik, sesuai dengan aslinya. Perhatikan bahwa quotLife Of Antartikaquot sedikit lebih pendek dari pada CD aslinya, tapi itu karena reprise dari lagu pembuka, yang ditambahkan ke akhir, semakin pudar lebih jauh, di mana CD lama menempel pada volume yang hampir tidak terdengar, Membuat jeda aneh pada CD. Trek yang saya bandingkan tidak menunjukkan tanda tambah reverb. Suara itu sangat dekat dengan master aslinya, tapi sedikit lebih keras, mempertahankan sebagian besar dinamikanya. Semua dalam semua contoh bagus remastering yang tepat. 7. Opera Sauvage Ini juga remaster yang halus dan dilakukan dengan baik. Album terdengar sedikit lebih keras. Saya tidak mendengar tanda tambah reverb, beberapa pemerataan memoles musik menjadi sedikit lebih terang. Selera selesai Catatan ditambahkan pada 5 Februari: Lagu quotFlamants Rosesquot disingkat sekitar tujuh detik, karena sedikit keheningan hampir dipotong sekitar pukul 3.20 ke trek. Potongan itu benar-benar menghapus dua catatan lembut yang diputar pada instrumen glockenspiel atau sejenisnya. 8. Chariots of Fire Ini adalah satu kasus dimana transfer tape tidak sepenuhnya baru karena menggunakan transfer analog ke digital baru dari kaset master asli, yang dilakukan untuk Edisi 25 tahun dari album soundtrak, CD remaster terdahulu yang dirilis pada tahun 2006. Ini memang remaster yang sangat bagus, sesuai dengan yang asli, tapi sedikit lebih baik digital. Tidak ada manipulasi yang jelas selain remastering asli yang sebenarnya, dan masuk akal jika ini termasuk dalam kotak ini. 9. Perayaan Tanah quotSoil Festivitiesquot terdengar sangat bagus, sesuai aslinya. Tidak ada reverb yang ditambahkan ke salah satu trek yang saya bandingkan. Sayangnya, hampir satu menit hujan ambien dan suara guntur telah terpotong dari akhir kutipan quotMovement 1quot. Apa gunanya quotspeeding upquot sebuah karya kontemplatif seperti quotSoil Festivitiesquot Tidak masuk akal sama sekali. Sisanya, remastering yang bagus. Perubahan halus. Nada yang lebih tinggi pada quotMovement 3quot telah sedikit melunak. Tak satu pun trek lainnya telah diedit. 10. Koneksi Tak Terlihat Kedengarannya bagus, tidak ada reverb atau manipulasi besar. QuotInvisible Connectionsquot di remaster dalam pengertian klasik, dengan satu perbaikan yang sangat penting: Pengindeksan jalur telah diperbaiki. Master lama pasti bercampur aduk sisi A dan B, saat mereka membagi jalur panjang menjadi dua bagian dan menggabungkan dua lagu yang terpisah dengan suara seolah-olah mereka adalah satu. Remaster quotDelectusquot memperbaiki ini. Dua jempol besar untuk disk ini 11. Cerita Pendek Pemerataan ditingkatkan, namun beberapa lagu termasuk quotI Hear You Nowquot telah direvisi dengan menambahkan reverb modern. Cukup banyak sebenarnya, mengubah karakter musik. Pengindeksan lagu ditingkatkan, sekarang memisahkan setiap lagu, membebaskan quotqird Songquot dari quotEach dan Every Dayquot. QuotPlay Within A Playquot terdengar sangat bagus, ia memiliki sedikit quotoomphquot dan terdengar lebih alami pada saat yang bersamaan. 12. Koleksi Pribadi Its indah untuk akhirnya mendengar quotSong Isquot dengan kualitas digital bersih yang layak. Sisa CD remaster sangat baik. Tidak ada reverb tambahan pada salah satu trek yang saya periksa. Persamaan diubah, terutama untuk quotHe Is Sailingquot, mengurangi beberapa tingkat tertinggi yang lebih tajam. QuotHorizonquot juga, hadir dalam suara yang lebih hangat, mengurangi nada yang lebih tinggi sedikit. QuotPrivate Collectionquot tampaknya menjadi salah satu remasters yang lebih baik. 13. Teman-teman dari Mr. Cairo akan menemukan My Way Homequot terdengar bagus, dengan suara yang lebih keras karena kompresi dinamis yang benar-benar sesuai dengan karakternya sebagai lagu pop. Tidak ada reverb yang ditambahkan ke trek ini, berlawanan dengan quotThe Mayflowerquot dan quotState Of Independencequot, keduanya ditangani dengan lapisan tebal reverb tertunda. Ini membuat suara quotThe Mayflowerquot lebih hangat, meski mengeluarkan nada yang lebih terang, tapi quotstate of Independencequot menjadi agak berantakan, kehilangan ritme yang ketat. Penutup, sementara tidak setiap album sesuai dengan selera saya dalam hal remasters yang harus diberikan, kotak ini memiliki lebih dari cukup untuk ditawarkan dalam hal kualitas audio. Untuk album seperti quotOpera Sauvagequot, quotMaskquot, quotInvisible Connectionsquot dan quotPrivate Collectionquot, saya sekarang menganggap versi quotDelectusquot sebagai master definitif, sementara album lainnya mencakup perbaikan, perubahan atau revisi yang tentunya patut didengarkan, dan akan menyenangkan beberapa hal yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya, tergantung pada Selera mereka Either way, quotDelectusquot adalah quotharus havequot untuk siapa saja yang mencari yang terbaik dalam rincian rekaman. Nah diskusikan buklet dan kemasannya di pos terpisah, kapan kita bisa. Ini sejak diposkan sebagai bagian 2 Terima kasih kepada Marc-Antoine untuk masukan tentang pengetahuan menguasai CD asli Chinas. Juga, terima kasih khusus kepada Marc Vanholsbeeck atas bantuannya yang cepat dalam memverifikasi beberapa aspek dalam produk yang sebenarnya Ditulis oleh Dennis, 30 Januari 2017, pelepasan kotak suara kotak centang mendekati. 3 Februari mendekati cepat: Jumat ini menandai perilisan kotak Vangelis yang ditentukan quotDelectusquot. Tinjauan elsew penuh masih tertunda. Kami telah memeriksa rekaman remaster dengan hati-hati, berdasarkan paket promo semua CD, membandingkan masing-masing CD aslinya, namun ini memerlukan waktu. Kami juga berharap dapat mengakses produk akhir (kotak sebenarnya dengan buku kecil dan CD) sebelum kami mengumumkan evaluasi kami. Universal telah merilis sebuah videoquot quotUnboxing dari produk di perusahaan rekaman yang dikontrol Vangelis Facebook page: facebookVangelisOfficialvideos15.Universal merilis beberapa foto dari buklet tersebut ke pers: Ditulis oleh Dennis, 26 Desember 2016 Wawancara Vangelis on-line baru Vangelis mengizinkan yang lain Wawancara langka, kali ini ke majalah musisi online utama Jerman, Amazona. de. Terima kasih khusus kepada Bernd Kistenmacher atas peringatan awal, dan semua orang yang menulis dengan tautan ini. Ditulis oleh Dennis, 21 Desember 2016 Trailer musik Blade Runner 2 bukan oleh Joacutehann Joacutehannsson Komposer Blade Runner 2 Joacutehann Joacutehannsson telah mengeluarkan sebuah pernyataan bahwa musik dari trailer minggu ini bukanlah karyanya dan bahwa hal itu tidak menjelaskan arahnya. Bahwa ia akan mengambil dengan skor untuk sekuel yang akan datang. Ah, setidaknya trailer ini membuktikan bahwa adalah mungkin untuk menciptakan musik baru yang diperbarui dan sesuai dengan skor Vangelis 1982. Joacutehannsson bisa mencoba dengan caranya sendiri, setidaknya dia memiliki sesuatu untuk diukur. Dengan itu, tinggalkan masalah di belakang kita. Berkat Marc Vanholsbeeck untuk link Ditulis oleh Dennis, 19 Desember 2016 Blade Runner 2 Penggoda: Referensi Nilai Vangelis Meskipun mengingat bahwa trailer (dan lebih dari itu: penggoda) seringkali tidak memiliki hubungan dengan skor musik aktual dari film yang akan datang , Todays pelepasan penggoda pertama untuk Joacutehann Joacutehannsson mencetak film quotBlade Runner 2quot yang menyebabkan berhenti beradu (dengan cara yang baik), sangat menghargai penghargaan Vangelis untuk film asli 1982 dengan mereferensikannya dengan berat, tematis dan dalam suara dan suasana hati. , Sementara sebenarnya menggunakan beberapa sampel dari rekaman Vangelis asli juga. Menarik. Orang mungkin mengira proyek ini benar-benar bisa berarti sesuatu yang akan diceritakan Time. Pada tanggal 6 Oktober tahun depan, rupanya. Terima kasih khusus kepada Arturo Armas Lozano, siapa yang pertama menghubungi kami dengan ini. Runner-up terdekat adalah Graeme Stewart dan Haro Musters, namun terima kasih kami sampaikan kepada semua orang yang membawa masalah untuk mengingatkan kami. Ditulis oleh Dennis, 17:50, 6 Desember 2016, kutipan yang diajukan Grammy the Recording Academy baru saja mengumumkan nominasi untuk 59th Grammy Awards. Album studio Vangelis terbaru quotRosettaquot dinominasikan dalam kategori quotBest New Age Albumquot. Vangelis melawan Enya, John Burke, White Sun dan duo Peter Kater amp Tina Guo. Pemenang akan diumumkan dalam acara Grammy Awards pada tanggal 12 Februari 2017. Berikut adalah daftar lengkap album dan artis nominasi: grammynomineesgenreAllWritten oleh Dennis, 6 Desember 2016 VIMAgazino wawancara terjemahan bahasa Inggris (Resmi) Vangelis telah menyetujui terjemahan bahasa Inggrisnya Wawancara baru-baru ini untuk majalah berita Yunani VIMAgazino, yang diterbitkan dan aslinya diterbitkan dalam bahasa Yunani pada tanggal 25 September. Terjemahan ini pertama kali diterbitkan di sini tentang Elsew. Pavlos Papadopoulos berbicara dengan Vangelis tentang hubungan musik dengan sains, filsafat dan bahkan beberapa politik. Terjemahan dalam bahasa Prancis, Jerman, Italia dan mungkin bahasa lain akan segera menyusul. Kami semua adalah akumulasi ingatan satu miliar tahun, Vangelis Setelah merilis albumnya di seluruh dunia, Rosetta pada hari Jumat, 23 September 2016, komposer Yunani berbicara tentang VIMA gazino tentang rahasia kreativitas, metode kerjanya, Hubungan dengan Yunani, bersama dengan substansi batin, makna, dan notesis musik. Oleh Pavlos Papadopoulos Bagaimana penjelajahan ruang dan fajar alam semesta saling terkait dengan karya komposer Yunani yang hebat, Vangelis Rilisan album terbarunya yang dirilis di seluruh dunia yang berjudul Rosetta. Dua hari yang lalu, menandai selesainya misi ruang angkasa European Space Agencyrsquos (ESA) dengan nama yang sama. Pesawat ruang angkasa Rosetta, dinamai menurut Rosetta Stone, yang memegang peran kunci untuk memecahkan kode hieroglif Mesir, menyelesaikan beberapa hari yang lalu studi tentang komet 67PChuryumov-Gerasimenko, yang memperluas cakrawala pengetahuan kita tentang asal mula tata surya. Pada acara ini, Vangelis, seorang tokoh Seni yang bersinar di luar Academy Award 1982 untuk Best Original Score dari film Chariots of Fire. Memberi VIMAgazino sebuah wawancara langka. Dalam wawancara ini, dia berbicara tentang musik bukan dalam hal industri ldquomusic, tapi menyangkut substansi batin, makna dan sifat intelektual musik, kode ciptaan, cara di mana mahakarya, prestasi, dan setiap ekspresi materi Dan intelek ditampilkan, dan akhirnya, ldquosystemrdquo yang dengannya dia sendiri bekerja dan menyusun musik. Hal ini benar-benar yakin bahwa siapa pun yang membaca wawancara ini akan secara kreatif bingung dan terkejut secara positif saat mereka tercerahkan pada kebenaran mendasar yang mengkristal dalam musik, kebenaran ini mungkin tampak abstrak dan filosofis, namun mereka memberi pengaruh dan diterapkan dalam apapun yang kita Pikirkan dan lakukan Vangelis wawancara (cover feature) di majalah PROG berikutnya Edisi berikutnya majalah rock progresif Inggris quotPROGquot (edisi 72, Desember 2016, keluar pada tanggal 7 Desember) menunjukkan gambar klasik Vangelis di sampul depan dan Termasuk sebuah wawancara eksklusif, yang dilakukan di Paris, Oktober tahun ini. Vangelis dikabarkan berbicara tentang karirnya, Jon amp Vangelis, Aphrodites Child, Salvador Dali dan audisi Yes yang terkenal. Lebih banyak penundaan DVD Wawancara Untuk alasan yang tidak ditentukan, DVD quotVangelis - DVD Tony Palmer Interviewsquot yang diumumkan oleh label Palmers DVD telah didorong kembali ke tanggal 27 Januari. Anda juga selalu memperbarui perkembangan apapun. Wawancara dengan Dennis, 29 November 2016 Wawancara DVD Beberapa pengecer online mencantumkan sebuah DVD bernama quotVangelis - The Tony Palmer Interviewsquot, yang akan dirilis pada hari Jumat ini, pada tanggal 2 Desember. Ini tidak sepenuhnya jelas bagi kita apakah produk ini benar-benar akan dilepaskan, Seperti yang tercantum sebelumnya untuk tanggal rilis bulan November. Kemudian ditarik kembali dan sejak itu muncul kembali dengan tanggal rilis tanggal 2 Desember, bagaimana rasanya masih tercantum. Produk ini diproduksi oleh Tony Palmer, dan tersedia melalui Gonzo Multimedia, yang juga merilis film dokumenter quotVangelis And The Journey To Ithakaquot di tahun 2013 dan diumumkan berisi wawancara selama 280 menit (tidak dipotong). Menurut sumber kami yang dekat dengan Vangelis, Vangelis sebenarnya tidak terlibat dengan rilis ini dan bingung dengan isinya yang mungkin. Satu-satunya wawancara Vangelis yang diberikan kepada Palmer adalah satu tembakan khusus untuk film tersebut, seperti yang muncul di DVD. Tidak jelas bagaimana ini bisa mencapai 280 menit materi. Ditulis oleh Sufian, 22 November 2016 Pemutaran kata quotCreacutepuscule Des Ombresquot di Zurich Jumat lalu di Festival Film Arab Internasional ketiga yang diadakan di Zurich, Swiss, sebuah pemutaran film Vangelis yang berjudul quotCreacutepuscule Des Ombresquot ditunjukkan di Kino Filmpodium. Sutradara film Mohamed Lakhdar-Hamina adalah tamu undangan di festival tersebut. Sementara festival film tersebut berakhir pada hari Minggu yang lalu, pertunjukan kedua film tersebut dijadwalkan Sabtu, 26 November pukul 18.15 di tempat yang sama. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, cek link di bawah ini. Ditulis oleh Dennis, 16 November 2016 Kotak Vangelis ditetapkan pengumuman resmi Inilah pengumuman resmi Universal tentang kotak mewah yang akan datang di Vangelis: VANGELIS UNTUK MENYEDIAKAN KOMPREHENSIF 13 CD DELUXE BOX SET Vangelis musik modern visioner telah mengumumkan perilisannya pada tanggal 3 Februari dari 13- Kotak disk yang diberi judul quotDelectus, yang menampilkan pilihan terpilih dari karya diskografinya yang awal. Koleksi raksasa tersebut akan mencakup semua albumnya di Vertigo dan Polydor, yang baru saja ditandatangani oleh Universal dan remaster untuk pertama kalinya di bawah komponis legendaris yang memiliki pengawasan. Disajikan dalam sebuah kotak mewah dengan sebuah esai dan sejumlah besar foto langka, cakram itu ditempatkan di dua pemegang cakram berpola mati dan dipotong di dalam kotak slip persegi seluas 242mm, dan disertai dengan buku setebal 64 halaman yang menggambarkan masa karirnya yang produktif. Dari Maestro ikon. QuotI selalu menyambut remastering karya lamaku untuk dua alasan dasar - menjelaskan Vangelis - quotfirstly, saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk membawa suara ke standar hari ini, kedua, ini memberi saya kesempatan untuk mengalami pengalaman dan kenangan dari waktu. Kutipan kuotasi kuotasi Bersama album Vangelis seminal quotEarthquot, quotLApocalypse Des Animauxquot, quotChinaquot, quotSee You Laterquot, quotAntarcticaquot, quotMaskquot, quotOpera Sauvagequot, quotChariots of Firequot, quotSoil Festivitiesquot dan quotInvisible Connectionsquot, ditambah rekaman kolaboratifnya dengan Jon Anderson sebagai Jon Vangelis - quotShort Storiesquot, quotThe Friends of Mister Cairoquot quotPrivate Collectionquot. Dokumen asli remaster akan dilengkapi dengan B-side langka dan 4 track yang belum pernah dirilis sebelumnya. Vangelis dianggap sebagai pelopor dalam evolusi musik modern. Dalam karir diskografinya yang berkilau, dia telah menyusun dan menampilkan banyak album yang mencakup beragam genre yang paling beragam. Dia paling populer untuk nilai filmnya termasuk Antartika, Blade Runner, Missing, 1492: Conquest of Paradise, Alexander dan soundtrack pemenang Academy Award 1981 untuk Chariots of Fire. Judul, tema Chariots of Fire, kemudian dipilih sebagai latar belakang upacara presentasi medali pemenang Olimpiade 2012. Enam tahun setelah menolak kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan Ya, Vangelis bergabung dengan Jon Anderson pada tahun 1981 dan duo tersebut merilis 3 album di bawah moniker Jon Vangelis untuk mendapat pujian kritis. QuotThe Friends of Mr Cairoquot termasuk kuota tunggal yang terkenal dari Independencequot, yang juga mencapai kesuksesan chart dengan sampulnya tahun 1982 oleh Donna Summer dan lagi pada tahun 1992 dengan versi Moodswings yang menampilkan Chrissie Hynde yang dirilis sebagai quotSpiritual High (Negara Bagian Kemerdekaan) Pt. IIquot. Karya perintis Vangelis diakui melampaui rekor penjualan dan penghargaan musik. Pada tahun 1992, Maestro dinominasikan oleh Chevalier de Lordre des Arts et des Lettres, dan pada tahun 2001 Chevalier de la Lgion dHonneur dari Presiden Republik Perancis. Dia adalah penerima Medali Pelayanan Publik dari NASA pada tahun 2003 dan memiliki seorang bintang yang dinamai menurut Pusat Planet Astronomi Internasional Minor di Observatorium Astrofisika Smithsonian untuk dampak dan apresiasi internasional atas karyanya serta hubungannya dengan Alam Semesta . Pada tahun 2008 Vangelis menerima Penghargaan Hellenic Institute dari America Hellenic Institute untuk prestasi musiknya yang luar biasa dan dedikasi seumur hidup untuk mempromosikan Hellenisme melalui seni. Pada tahun yang sama ia juga menerima gelar doktor kehormatan di Universitas Athena - Fakultas Pendidikan Dasar dan pada tahun 2009 ia menerima Universitas Patras Greece Honorary DoctorProfessor Emeritus dari Fakultas Fisika. Albums and Track Listing: 1) BUMI: 00600753682081 1. Ayo 2. Kita semua tercengang 3. Sunny Earth 4. He-O 5. Ritual 6. Biarkan Itu Terjadi 7. Kota 8. Wajahku di Hujan 9. Kita semua tersandung 10. A Song 2) LAPOCALYPSE DES ANIMAUX: 00600753682098 1. Apocalypse des animaux Geacuteneacuterique 2. La petite fille de la mer 3. Le singe bleu 4. La mort du loup 5. Lours musicien 6. Cration du monde 7 La mer recommence 3) CHINA: 00600753682104 1. Chung Kuo 2. Long March 3. Dragon 4. The Plum Blossom 5. Tao Cinta 6. The Little Fete 7. Yin Yang 8. Himalaya 9. Summit 4) LIHAT ANDA LATER: 00600753682128 1. Saya Tidak Bisa Memesannya Lagi 2. Saran Multi-Track 3. Kenangan Hijau 4. Tidak Sedikit - Semua Ini 5. Suffocation 6. Sampai jumpa lagi 7. Tetangga di atas 8. Cinta saya 9. Logika Domestik 1 5) ANTARCTICA: 00600753682142 1. Tema Dari Antartika 2. Antartika Echoes 3. Kinematik 4. Lagu Putih 5. Kehidupan Antartika 6. Memori Antartika 7. Sisi Lain Antartika 8. Deliverance 6) MASK: 0 0600753682166 1. Masker: Gerakan 1 2. Masker: Gerakan 2 3. Masker: Gerakan 3 4. Masker: Gerakan 4 5. Masker: Gerakan 5 6. Masker: Gerakan 6 7) OPERA SAUVAGE: 00600753682111 1. Hymne 2. Recircve 3 Lenfant 4. Mouettes 5. Chromatique 6. Irlande 7. Flamants mawar 8) CHARIOTS OF FIRE: 00600753682135 1. Judul 2. Lima Lingkaran 3. Tema Abraham 4. Tema Tema 5. 100 Meter 6. Jerusalem 7. Chariots of Fire 9 ) FESTIVITAS TANAH: 00600753682159 1. Perayaan Tanah: Gerakan 1 2. Perayaan Tanah: Gerakan 2 3. Perayaan Tanah: Gerakan 3 4. Perayaan Tanah: Gerakan 4 5. Perayaan Tanah: Gerakan 5 10) HAK YANG TIDAK BISA: 00600753682173 1. Sambungan Tak Terlihat 2. Atom Blaster 3. Thermo Vision 11) CERITA PENDEK: 00600753682180 1. Curious Electric 2. Setiap Hari Setiap 3. Burung Song 4. Saya Mendengar Anda Sekarang 5. Jalan 6. Jauh Jauh Di Baagad 7. Cinta Adalah 8. One More Time 9. Thunder 10. Mainkan dalam A Play 12) Koleksi PRIBADI: 00600753682203 1. Lagu Italia 2. Dan Saat Malam tiba 3. Deborah 4. Polonai Se 5. Dia Berlayar 6. Horizon 7. Lagu Adalah 13) TEMAN MISTER CAIRO: 00600753682197 1. Sakit Temukan Jalan Saya Home 2. Negara Kemerdekaan 3. Di samping 4. Mayflower 5. Teman-teman Tuan Kairo 6 Kembali ke Sekolah 7. Di luar ini (Inside Of That) Ada 4 lagu bonus, yang sebelumnya belum dirilis: Tetangga Above - 2015 Versi remaster - Lagu bonus untuk See You Later Trek bonus lainnya adalah: My Love - 2015 Versi remaster - Bonus track untuk melihat Anda kemudian log masuk domestik 1 - 2015 versi remaster - lagu bonus untuk melihat Anda lagi Song Is (Jon Vangelis) - 2015 Versi remaster - Lagu bonus untuk Koleksi Pribadi Mereka dilepaskan pada single dan tidak pernah muncul di CD sebelumnya. Penggemar lama dan baru yang menikmati album berpusat di Vomille quotRosettaquot - tidak akan kehilangan kesempatan untuk memiliki beberapa karya Maestros yang paling inovatif, remaster dari kaset master generasi pertama, semua dalam paket menarik dan informatif. QuotDelectusquot keluar pada tanggal 3 Februari melalui semua pengecer biasa. Pengumuman resmi akan diumumkan besok, namun majalah PROG mendapat kehormatan mengumumkan peluncuran paket deluxe box 13 CD set lengkap dari seluruh Vertigo dan katalog belakang Polydor dari Vangelis. Album, termasuk 4 track bonus, yang sebelumnya belum pernah dirilis di CD. Pelepasannya disebut quotDelectusquot. Majalah prog baru saja mengeposkan artikel di situs web mereka di sini: teamrocknews2016-11-15vangelis. Check kembali ke sini besok untuk pengumuman resmi. Selain itu, harapkan lebih banyak pembaruan dari waktu ke waktu, yang mengarah ke rilis ini. Ditulis oleh Dennis, 12 November 2016 Pengumuman yang akan datang Universal sedang mengerjakan sebuah pengumuman untuk beberapa kabar baik yang melibatkan katalog belakang Vangelis, yang diharapkan minggu depan. Pastikan untuk memeriksa kembali di sini untuk rincian lebih lanjut dalam beberapa hari mendatang. QuotTrashedquot di layar bioskop Prancis Vangelis mencetak eko dokumenter quotTrashedquot mendapat rilis teatrikal terbatas di Prancis minggu depan, karena diputar oleh bioskop terpilih (rumah seni) di seluruh negeri. QuotTrashedquot di Allocine. fr, termasuk referensi ke bioskop dengan jadwal pertunjukan: allocine. frfilmfichefilmgencfilm207. Ditulis oleh Dennis, 2 November 2016 Patung patung perunggu Vangelis telah dipamerkan dengan patung perunggu dari dirinya sendiri, dibuat oleh Dr. Nadey Hakim. According to sources close to Vangelis, the two men met at a dinner in London not long ago, when Mr Hakim expressed his desire to create Vangelis bronze bust as he did before for HM The Queen Elizabeth, David Cameron and a version of Michelangelos David. Although this came as a suprise to Vangelis, he accepted with pleasure. Nadey S. Hakim is a well renowned British-Lebanese transplant surgeon who has performed over 2000 transplants. He has also authored several books about surgery and transplantations, and was part of the team that performed the worlds first hand transplant in 1998. Written by Dennis, October 18, 2016 Vangelis on NPR Radio US Radio organisation NPR (National Public Radio), produced an item on Vangelis quotRosettaquot album in yesterdays editions of quotAll Things Consideredquot one of their most popular and syndicated programs. The item is brief, but they managed to speak to Vangelis, getting quotes from him on recording Rosetta and on not being asked for the upcoming quotBlade Runnerquot sequel. They also spoke to three other composers, to praise Vangelis work: Ex Tangerine Dream member Paul Haslinger, Mr. Robots Mac Quayle and Blade Runner 2 composer Johann Johannsson), all currently attached to hip and popular projects in the cinema or on TV. Written by Guest authors, October 14, 2016 Final batch of Rosetta reader reviews (part 4) And here are some more reader reviews on Vangelis latest album. New submission are no longer published. Thanks again to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts and feelings What Rosetta concretely looks like All what Vangelis has achieved since 1976. Purists will pounce Anyway, early Vangelis print is there. Just start listening. although it is quite impossible to describe this pure musical expression with words: quotOriginsquot launches and place us on the track of quotSpiralquot. quotStarstuffquot takes us 20 years back to the time of quotOceanicquot, as if the space and the aquatic world are one in the spirit of the Greek creator. quotInfinityquot leads us to quot1492quot, watching Columbus, on his way back home. quotExo Genesisquot revives quotChariots of Firequot, Vangelis symphony of 1981, with an raging flash to quotInvisible Connectionsquot. Then quotCelestial Whispersquot appears: what a heavenly sigh If the sky could tell us, it would talk. An amazing sound source where clarity prevails. quotAlbedo 0.06quot reflects the perspective of the solar reflection on earth, from the view of the probe. Inconceivable, given that the previous Vangelis quotAlbedoquot (sunearth) stands at 0.39. Then came the master sequence of the album, quotSunlightquot: a fountain of youth where the beauty of the light is expressed at the highest of its glory: a pure happiness. To the point that I would forget the rest of the album except quotReturn to the Voidquot, a matured Vangelis sequence which seems to remind us that we are simply ephemeral constellations in space. Vangelis: 73 years, more than 50 original albums and still conveys to his audience this dazzling listening impression. Is it possible to design such a creative dynamism that remains over the time With Rosetta, Vangelis has not only crossed the barrier of cosmic sound but that of the invisible. He reached the impassable sovereignty of the musical expression. Eternity, seriousness and grace. We often remain silent before this abundance of senses this abundance of sounds. The adventure of Rosetta thus expressed, it embodies the majesty in grace. (Extract - Le Temps perpeacutetuel - 2016 (Translated from French) Fans of Vangelis (or any other artist) buy his (or their) records because they want quotmusical uplifting pleasurequot music that defines the rest of their lives, music that touches and makes them feel less alone in the universe. And by buying the album, they also want to support the artist so that he would make more albums to please them. He serves music to serve people. He acts as a transmitter. In an ivory tower one might forget that very last thing. What we got so far in this century was about as much as one or two years of his quotproductionquot at Nemo days. As a 14 year old guy I remember I had to save for months to be able to buy his new album quotOpeacutera sauvagequot, and was eagerly waiting for the next to come. I didnquott need a lot of patience these days. Wonderful albums came as seasons changed. Vangelis musically has nothing left to prove nor needs our money from album sales, but once again brings us (the waiting people, the wanting people) immense new musical pleasure with quotRosettaquot. We can only be grateful. More than 15 years I was dreaming about new studio record of such a great master - Vangelis, a synthesizer record, dedicated to Universe. And now, finally, got it The new album quotRosettaquot is a very strong masterpiece. Weve got again the typical, but unique sound quotA la Vangelisquot. For me, the highest memorable moments in this record are the majestic and mysterious quotStar stuffquot, the choral quotInfinitudequot, the glorious quotSunlightquot and the romantic quotRosettaquot. In fact, the new album reminds me of his old records like quotSoil Festivitiesquot, quotAntarcticaquot, quotOceanicquot and quotDirectquot. In this record I hear also the power side of Vangelis. Opening theme draws dramatic mission in deep Space And then quotPerihelionquot comes with dark, but catchy rhythmic melody. It is not a surprise that the new album quotRosettaquot sounds like an anthem of Nature Dear Mr. Papathanassiou, many thanks for the wonderful work When I listened it, my soul touched the stars and felt the winds of Genesis. It wouldnt take too many words to describe the album: brilliant The perceived notion of some that Vangelis music of late has eschewed the harder synthesizer sounds for an orchestral palette may have to re-evaluate after listening to this. There are some orchestral passages in quotInfinitudequot, quotRosettaquot and in particular quotMission Accompliequot, but for the most part this album is a tour de force of Vangelis virtuosity with melody, synthesizer effects and production. Just listen to the swirling effects on quotOriginsquot, the frenetic sequences of quotAlbedo 0.06quot, the ambience of quotReturn To The Voidquot or the gossamer thin melodies intertwined on quotStarstuffquot to be reminded of past albums of the 70s to the 90s. The tracks quotSunlightquot, quotElegyquot and quotStarstuffquot are among the most beautiful of Vangelis works evoking the vast distances of space and on quotElegyquot in particular, the loneliness felt by humanity when their emissaries shut down and travel the void forever. This is music on an epic scale, befitting the vastness and grandeur of space. Like all great albums, this one rewards repeated listening. A remarkable work. A fairly average input from Vangelis. When I first heard about the new album, I had mixed feelings. I was excited but I wasnt expecting much. The 3rd CD of the BladeRunner album was pants. His last decent album was El Greco (not the film score). You would have to go all the way back to 1492 Conquest of Paradise for his last epic. Im a childhood fan of Vangelis and he is my hero and biggest influence as a composer. I was hoping for something more adventurous in Rosetta. There were hints of Direct and Mythodia, and even Albedo. With all that he has achieved and given that he is firmly amongst the top of the list as one of the greatest composers of 20th21st century, he has nothing to prove. However, one last epic would of been great, instead of churning out an average Ambient album that probably only took him a month to record. Vastness of space Aptly expressed in Newest album from the Genius of music Enjoy it with the Lights off and let your Imagination Soar to the comet Reflect on the beauty of Our universe that his Synth passages Enhance so grandly Thank you Thank you for this wondrous Album With Vangelis seeming to enter a kind of retirement since 2007, I was surprised at how wonderful Rosetta is. This is a rich tapestry of sound, harkening back to the best albums like Soil Festivities and Voices. Despite my thrill, I feel a little bittersweet, because the music itself seems often carefully constructed as a kind of swansong. There is a great deal of subtle self-quotation here, as though a great master were purposely wrapping up his accomplishments with a final creative flourish. The title track reminds of Alpha from Albedo 0.39 Rosettas Waltz brings to mind themes from Alexander. Other tracks remind of Chariots of Fire, Mask, and 1492, to name a few. The sound is outstanding also, with each track as richly conceived and unique as the source material --- his own works, all. What better material to quote from could there be Acquired Rosetta yesterday. At this point, if you have listened to the entirety - or near entirety - of Vangelis discography, there are very few surprises. All of the familiar traits to him are found: his melodic sensibility, his intuitive harmonic progressions and uncanny ability to weave various, even disparate, timbres together. This is also a continuation of his quotturn of the century soundquot where a custom-made controller basically allows him to summon a much wider quotorchestraquot of sounds. This album is by no means groundbreaking but if you have had a career as long and diverse as Vangelis, this is not a bad thing. I will say that I admire the sense of quotadventurequot with the sound where it does not depend on select timbres or recurring motifs (save for a quottrumpet Rosetta melodyquot that occurs every now and then). It really does feel like a journey where the experience dictates the logic and not vice versa. Honestly, this is something I would like to see more of from Vangelis, especially since he feels more comfortable with his studio setup (and I can imagine it is very easy to upgrade and expand ones sound library). This is not a new major classic a la Heaven and Hell or Mask or even El Greco (the original limited 1995 release) by any means. But this is solid - and quite good - Vangelis and this is not at all a detriment. Written by Sufian, October 8, 2016 A film screening featuring Irene Papas In celebration of the 50th anniversary of establishing the Greek state TV channel ERT, five films related to ERT will be screened during the upcoming documentary festival (Docfest), held in Greece. Each film will highlight a particular decade during its existence. The film selected for the second decade (1976-1986) showcases Irene Papas performing (or talking about) Vangelis quotOdesquot. The film is directed by Giannis Diamantopoulos and will be screened on Friday October 14, at the Papadimitriou Theatre, from 18:30 to 19:18. Written by Dennis, posted: October 7, 2016 European album chart positions Rosettas sales are going strong, reaching high positions in the European album charts. Best performance is in Flanders (Dutch language part of Belgium) where it is at 10, while Wallonia (the other Belgian half) has it at 33. France splits charts between Digital and physical where Rosetta makes 31 and 70 respectively. An overview of the large European markets: UK: 40 Switserland: 29 Portugal: 25 Netherlands: 33 Belgium (Flanders): 10 Belgium (Wallonia): 33 France (Digital): 33 France (Physical): 70 Germany: 55 Spain: 37 Italy: 30 Austria: 58 Poland: 41 Universals web magazine UdiscoverMusic has a nice little article about Vangelis now spanning 40 years of UK Charts: udiscovermusicvangelis-40-year-. - spanVangelis trivia quiz Heres an entertaining link to Universals web magazine, where theyve just added a well-informed Vangelis trivia quiz. Check your own score at: udiscovermusicessentialsvangelis-uquizWritten by Guest authors, October 1, 2016 Even more Rosetta reader reviews (part 3) Still open for more input by mail at elsewgmail (Max 450 words, about the album) Vangelis at his best, Rosetta brought me back to the early days and memories of some brilliant albums. There are references to I dont how many other albums, a sheer delight. If I have any suggestions, then I would loved to have seen Rosetta and Mission Accomplished developed into full blown epics such as Alpha or perhaps To the Unknown Man, but we cant have everything. Never the less, absolutely loved the album. Thank you Vangelis. Listening to quotRosettaquot, Im really impressed and thrilled The Greek god of music gave us another example of his infinite genius. Its simply unbelievable that any human in the world could compose such brilliant music for this milestone of space technology, except Vangelis His talent is far from everything that ever was and will be. VANGELIS is one of the pioneers of the electronic music, and ROSETTA is a masterwork. VANGELIS is a special case, because the inspiration and the musicality of his work is always in concordance with his technical skills. Right now, in 2016, if you buy a new synthesizer, of any brand, and you start exploring the instrument, you will find a lot of the sounds that VANGELIS had used years ago. The sound developed by VANGELIS in his electronic period (China, Spiral, Albedo, Blade Runner, Chariots of Fire, Direct, The City, Antartica, etc. etc.) before his symphonic works, is very remarkable and original. His electronic music is very NATURAL, it seems like has been existing all the time, since the beginning of creation. Since some years ago, I was missing this side of his musical career, the electronic sound field, in which VANGELIS is a true master, probably the best. For this reason, I think that with Rosetta, we have the opportunity, in 2016, to listen the electronic VANGELIS again, and hes back with a very mature and incredible approach to the sounds he knows better than anybody. With his electronic music, VANGELIS make the listeners fly to the distant places in the Cosmos. Congratulations to Mr. VANGELIS for this new album. quotRosettaquot is a beautiful album, which portrays the journey of the probe through time and space accordingly and well. It isnt an album for easy listening, because smooth and strong parts are rotating, but overall the mood is a perfect one. I would count quotRosettaquot to the rather strong albums, due to the electronic feeling and the spherical ambience. Yet it isnt Vangelis strongest work, interesting and well-instrumented, but I feel the album could have deserved a better mastering. Not sound-wise - as it is crystal clear and vibrant -, but I feel that sometimes the tracks are just put up together and do not merge smoothly enough. With albums like quotVoicesquot or quotEl Grecoquot we can hear long fade-outs, fade-ins and transitions, which are missed here, and which would have made quotRosettaquot a bit smoother and more harmonic. Also I feel, that there are some tempo-wise problems - I cant describe it properly: in tracks like quotExo Genesisquot or quotPerihelionquot the musical notes or effects dont fit to the underlying rhythm or vibe. It feels like Vangelis have played it live once, and the tracks were left unedited - or it is simply an artistic kind of thing I dont get With a little more editing it would have been a very smooth, powerful and elegant album. It is fine though as it is, we get a lot of interesting tracks: my favourites are quotElegyquot, quotExo Genesisquot, quotInfinitudequot and quotPerihelionquot. The latter is the perfect example for (in my eyes) a missing edit with more fitting to the time structure. It might be the quotwildquot, artistic reminiscence to early Vangelis albums, but thats the only thing I dare to note. The overall feeling stays the same: it is wonderful, heavenly and moving music from the Mozart of modern music. My gratitude cant be high enough, that this man keeps creating such music, which still is able to raise goose bumps and to make someone dive into higher atmospheres. quotRosettaquot is such an album without larger doubts. An unexpected album, but a good one. Not his best, but the tracks are more ambient than ever. They represent very clear and audible where the Rosetta mission is all about. Superb Especially quotReturn To The Voidquot is a - for Vangelis - unusual ambient track. An unexpected very nice one, in my opinion. A track that concludes the Rosetta mission story perfectly. The electronic vibe is very present all over the album, but at the same time his remarkable quotorchestral approachquot is there as well. Too bad No, because I like this style and try to make this on my own (software) synthesizers in my spare time. And yes, there is the quottrack blendingquot again. Without this, it wouldnt be a Vangelis album :-) To rate this album for no-Vangelis fans but people who want to buy Rosetta (read: people who think that Vangelis is Conquest of Paradise only. ). I give it 910. A must have The CD booklet is nice and beautiful as well. Upon hearing the album Rosetta from Vangelis, I got the feeling that it sounds more like a personal demo than a commercial album release. At times Vangelis has selected certain instruments that sound out of place for an album released in 2016. For example a sampled trumpet is heard on the track Rosetta that may have sounded impressive last century but now sounds passeacute and slightly ruins the quality of the track. A few session musicians employed like he has done for past albums would have helped improve the overall sound of the album. Dont get me wrong, Im not reviewing it as bad album. Its simply a matter of sonic taste and besides, Vangelis is not an artist that follows musical trends or needs to prove anything. I believe that this album still delivers the winning formula that has served him well throughout his career. Its enough to satisfy the fans and introduce new listeners to his unique sound of majestic sweeping strings, crashing percussion and at times, an almost child like fascination with space that through its ambient passages, sound not unlike Brian Enos album Apollo: Atmospheres and Soundtracks. We havent got from Vangelis a Bladerunner 2 soundtrack to look forward to in 2017 but listening to the track Return To The Void, a hint is given at what could have possibly been from the master of atmosphere. Finally A Greek magician of electronic music returns with a new album worth every minute we had to wait for it. Its not true that Vangelis was silent for a long time or he retired. Since the release of the soundtrack of quotAlexanderquot in 2004 Vangelis treated us with a new album attached to the box set quotBlade Runner Trilogyquot, soundtrack from the Greek film quotEl Grecoquot (not to be confused with the identically titled album from 90s), three compositions written for the Polish movie quotSwiadectwoquot and new music composed for the stage version of quotChariots of firequot - a film that earned him an Oscar in 1982. Maybe a little but still something. Vangelis, if he wanted to, could release albums every month. What prevents him from it its a business aspect that surrounds artists and labels greed to make money. According to some reports he has hundreds or even thousands hours of music in his archives. Its possible because he usually composes and records at the same time, at the first attempt. The premiere of this album is a real treat. It consist of 13 compositions inspired by the mission of the European Space Agencys, Rosetta. The aim was to enter orbit lander Philae on the comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko and embedding it on the surface. The mission was a success. quotRosettaquot is a return to the sound the artist conquered the hearts of listeners in the 70s and 80s, while working in his famous studio Nemo. Some of the compositions arouse an irresistible combination of old achievements by Vangelis - quotAlbedo 0.06quot could easily fit into the climate of the quotAlbedo 0.39quot, the title track would be great on quotOpera Sauvagequot, jazzy experiments in quotExo Genesis wouldnquott depress the value of quotSpiralquot and quotStarstuffquot would beautifully complement the landscape soundtrack from quotAntarcticaquot. This doesnt mean that Vangelis repeats himself here - listening to this music is just like a meeting with a long unseen friend. quotRosettaquot, although created on synthesizers, is not artificial - on the contrary, it reflects the feelings of the mysterious, of which Einstein said that is the most beautiful thing we can discover. Final quotReturn To The Voidquot, during which the comet finally leave our solar system, and the mission of the probe ends, leaves us with a sense of contact with something unknown and mysterious. Theoretically, there is no obvious hits although the sentimental melody of the title track might soon make it a classic and the majestic waltz quotMission accomplie (Rosettas Waltz)quot is quite catchy and simply great for humming. Its Vangelis in great form coming back with music not of this world. That his fans love most. The new Vangelis Album Rosetta is almost philosophical for me, a musical journey back to the origin of everything. a colorful sound cosmos full of harmony and chaos, we drift through the album as we drift through the universe, through our life until we quotreturn to the voidquot in the last track. As all life. Unique. Pure Vangelis. It leaves me speechless, full of joy and thanks. Rosetta has arrived. So many years waiting to encounter a new release from the great master Vangelis. I would like to say that time hasnt affected his music, but it has. His music seems less risky, avant garde and experimental, and is becoming more the typical new age music, light and easy to hear and sell, taking secure pathways that any Vangelis fan has heared before. Rosetta, as far as the sun is, is far from the masterpieces that Vangelis wrote that make him famous, like Heaven and Hell, Blade Runner or even the commercial Oscar Academy Winner Chariots of Fire. Some fans may say that the Maestro owes nothing to their fans. But they are wrong. Vangelis owes his fans to release all the music that still locked in his personal vault. And if this happens someday, in the near future, the fans would have the chance to immerse in the vast and unknown universe of Vangelis unpublished and hidden music, searching for jewels that waited, as a comet in the dark, to be discovered. Vangelis music is superb Classical space music album it takes you to a different place into the universe and beyond. The quotRosettaquot is going to be a masterpiece album using a spaceship theme music you may ever hear before, I am big fan of Vangelis of his works. You may experiment Vangelis albums music from the Albedo 0.39, Spiral, Blade Runner, Mask, Direct, Oceanic, and Mythodea etc. Vangelis creates his own sound using a future symphonic synthesizers sound with many instruments with light And heavy soundscapes proving he is still the greatest in his Fantastic music style. I am so glad I bought this album, its the best definitive music album ever. I Will enjoy listening of quotRosettaquot over and over again. - Peter Schweigman III Written by Sufian, September 30, 2016 A remarkable end to ESA Rosetta mission The Rosetta mission ended today when its spacecraft made a planned touchdown on comet 67PChuryumovGerasimenko. As the world awaited the confirmation signal from Rosetta, a video streaming of the event was broadcast live from ESAs headquarters in Germany. The broadcast began and ended with a short ident using a snippet from Vangelis track quotMission Accomplie (Rosettas Waltz)quot. Shortly after receiving the touchdown signal from the Rosetta spacecraft, a film was shown depicting some memorable moments from the mission, featuring music from quotOrigins (Arrival)quot and quotPerihelionquot. Sometime later the host of the broadcast mentioned Vangelis by name. See the video link below and cue to 01:02:19 and 01:013:35 for the relevant bits. Rosetta enters the UK album charts The album quotRosettaquot enters the UK album charts at number 40 on its first week since its release. Written by Sufian, September 27, 2016 Vangelis interview with VIMagazino Last Sunday the Greek magazine quotVIMagazinoquot published a new interview with Vangelis. This interview has now been made available online on the magazines website. Written by Guest authors, September 25, 2016 More Rosetta reader reviews (part 2) More reactions to Vangelis new album. Still open for more input by mail at elsewgmail (Max 450 words, about the album) When I saw the cd for the first time, I thought that with this releasing label (Decca), another classical music structure was going to be performed by vangelis, but not. This is an album that could have perfectly match with the years of east-west. Synthetisers, atmospheres, and the unique feling that brings Vangelis music appears here. What can say If you like the sound universe of Vangelis, you will enjoy this new album. Its a recording to sit down, disconect from your troubles and let yourself go into an amazing journey. The sound is glorious, on an high quality sound reproducer, you feel like new spaces are moving around you. Some moments on sunlight, starstuff, infinitude. are simply glorius. An album for the listening pleasure of an vangelis fan, and also a great way to enjoy his music for those who only know their most famous tracks. - victor manuel ruiz pastora Its awesome to hear the new Vangelis music quotRosettaquot since I saw 3 videos in 2014, this sounds like quotThe Cityquot, quotOceanicquot or quotDirectquot a bit. This album explores the emotional science, space travel and magic sounds. It can express the global nature and peaceful environment. Sounds like a one-man band making synthesizers with many instruments and soundscapes at the same time. I was surprised of this work, Vangelis still creates more great music the world needs. - Miguel Aacutengel Escobar Abril The prospect of a new Vangelis album is always big excitement, and I must say that Rosetta lived up to my secret expectations, it instantly became one of my favorite albums of the post-Oceanic era, next to BR25 and Alexander. The sound of this album is ahh so very beautiful Fully electronic but nonetheless organic, always serious but subtle when needed, it really keeps a delicate balance between being symphonic and modern. I just realize how much I missed this digital Vangelis sound in the last 20 years. The arrangement connects this album more to the 1988-1996 quotDirectquotperiod of Vangelis, than his more recent recordings. On the other hand the Rosetta album is not easy listening. Most compositions of the album are not developed into real themes, and in general they have a less linear structure than Vangelis usual stuff. There are no sweeping space anthems like Pulstar or Alpha. Yet I find an abundant compensation for it in the strong landscape images that the album conveys. Tracks like Starstuff and Sunlight perfectly capture the emotions that astronauts or earthbound people may feel when gazing at the stars, wondering about the miracles of our universe. The title track, although the opening melody is indeed familiar, becomes a memorable piece on its own as the composition unfurls. While my CD is on the way, I enjoy Rosetta as a digital download, so its worth noting that the tracks are segued into each other, which result in a bit disturbing gaps between the mp3 tracks. The first studio release from Greek composer Vangelis since 2007 and the Blade Runner inspired 25 Anniversary set, returns him to his roots of synthesisers, for which he is most famous. After having listened to Vangelis music for over 40 years, and after his recent sorays into classical music, I must say I was in trepidation of what kind of music would be released. But from the very first notes of the album I knew this was indeed special. I was pleasantly surprised With all the hallmarks of his distinctive style sweeping grandiose crescendoes, tinkling bells, deep percussion, dancing piano riffs and various synthesised sounds, the tracks ebb and flow - like the winds of time, and the spaceship theme adds to the whole image of the music. Vangelis does what he has always done so well combine unique music to a visual theme provided this time by the real life ESA project and the Rosetta space probe. With hints of past sets like Spiral and Albedo, the tracks flow effortlessly into each other, culminating in the title track Rosetta, and the harp refrain reminded me of Elsewhere from his Direct CD. Celestial Whispers melody reminded me of his classic Blade Runner music and Exo Genesis with its cheeky piano dancing, like sunlight on water, leading for me, to the highlight of the set Perihelion with its pulsing sequences, bass and ambient closing. The closing pieces Elegy and Return to the Void reminded me of his maturity and gracefulness. Vangelis has once remarked that there is a lack of beauty in the world, and with this set of music I see that he at least tries to right that wrong. There is indeed beauty and majesty in Rosetta. The master returns. A new Vangelis album. Wow. Over the last few decades this has become a very rare occurrence compared to the good old days of the 1970searly 1980s, Vangelis almost semi-retired now, it seems. So new releases are a big event to be savoured. Its a lovely album with some genuine highlights - having heard it a few times now, I can say the first half of the album is excellent, some of it sounding genuinely fresh and exciting after so many years of Vangelis music sounding all of the same quotsoundscapequot. Its nice to be surprised by a Vangelis release, and the fourth track quotExo Genesisquot is instantly recognisable as genuinely great Vangelis music. So while I miss the wild abandon and experimentation of his Nemo years, and the sophistication that was so incredible in every track of his Direct album, Rosetta seems a pretty solid release. However, there is always that weight of expectation from there being so few releases these days, somethingRosetta cannot really live up to. If Vangelis was releasing albums on an annual basis like in his early days, Rosetta would be a pretty good entry, but as it is it just feels a little quotlightquot. I raised that comparison to Direct for a reason - Direct is a phenomenal piece of work, spanning all sorts of musical tastes and genres, richly dynamic and varied Rosetta is something else entirely. It all sounds very quotspaceyquot and fairly ambient, and all the tracks link together well because they all seem cut from the same cloth, so to speak. So there isnt as much variation as I would like, and the album seems over before it really seems to quotignitequot. So, isolated highlights aside, Rosetta is a quotgoodquot Vangelis album while not a quotgreatquot one. And I really wish Vangelis would either release some of the piles of stuff in his infamous vault or perhaps bring out more new stuff on a regular basis, because there is something a little sad about isolated releases like Rosetta after the heady days of earlier years. Im not expecting every release to be his veritable quotmasterpiecequot, and in truth after all those great albums like China and Soil Festivities and Direct and El Greco, the Greek maestro owes us nothing. Rosetta feels like a fragile jewel, and is endearing if only for that, but I know Vangelis can do more. Either he doesnt feel he has anything to prove or doesnt feel he even has to release his music anymore, but I find it frustrating, have done for years. Which is distracting from the music in Rosetta. Still, Rosetta is a good album, and I realise its not really fair commentary on that album that Im pining for the good old Nemo days when Vangelis was banging on his drums and bells and all manner of percussion instruments like some madman. Nemo is done and gone. But I miss it. I miss that old Vangelis. But I guess Rosetta will do. Im listening to the cd quotRosettaquot on my hifi set. I have a hybrid (tube) amplifier and cd player from Unison Research. The most beautiful thing about playing with tube equipment is that the middle area is reproduced nicely. The master has again delivered a Masterful cd. The whole cd is excellent. When I hear how detailed the sounds emerge into the room, both the low and high, nothing is overdone and there is no listening fatigue. Written by Guest authors, September 24 (2) 19:00, 2016 Vangelis Rosetta Reader reviews (part 1) Here are the first reader reviews we have received. Please still feel invited to submit your review. According to Amazon the release date for the USA is set to September 30, so well extend accepting reviews until after that date. elsewgmail (Max 450 words, about the album) Whoever listenss masterpiece Rosetta is able to feel the wonder that which the spirit of Vangelis can to inspire pure bliss and emotions I was very surprised when I read that the Grandmaster was planning a new album using mainly synthesizers. Of course, synths never went away in his musical palette but the sounds he created during the last years were for a big part orchestral. Rosetta is a concept album about the ESA space mission. We were already introduced in 2014 when tracks of the album appeared on YouTube. This tasted for more. Vangelis music is not something you must listen to while doing the dishes or something (that is my opinion), you must sit or lie down and undergo it. The album has a central theme that returns on different moments on the album. Vangelis is a composer who has the ability to write big and wide melodies, as well as reflective atmospheric pieces. That is already happening in the opening of the album: after the first big orchestral theme in Origins (Arrival) there is a very beautiful quiet moment in Starstuff. It is a teasing composition because I expect it the whole time to become bigger bit it stays in its mode. A piece of genius The effects are brilliant. After this, Infinitude is a very filmic track. Then the piano, a bit jazzy, takes over in Exo Genesis. Sometimes in the press Vangelis is labelled as quotnew agequot. That doesnt do him right but if there is a quotnew agequot track on the album, it is the soft Celestial Whispers. Albedo 0.06 is something else. This very electronic piece takes me back to the album Albedo 0.39 with its progressive impact. Here, the theme from the first track returns. Sunlight is is my highlight of the album. This a large orchestral piece, something only Vangelis can create. In the title track I hear his Greek roots. This is a composition he could have made for a film from the seventies. After this, in Philaes Descent, we hear the central theme again but in a slightly 1492-sauce. It is all bombast. Albums like Soil Festivities greet here also. But of course this is Vangelis so next, in Mission Accomplie (Rosettas Waltz), he completely changes mood again. Perihelion is a return to the original theme but very symphonic. Perihelion has traces of Tangerine Dream in the sequences. This changes in the classic Elegy with a melancholic melody. The last track Return To The Void is pure space. I can only say this about Rosetta: Vangelis has created another masterpiece, proving he is still the greatest in his style. The New album quotRosettaquot is excellent, my favorite release in 20 years since 1996s quotOceanicquot. I have felt that some of his releases in the last couple of decades lacked the rawness of his earlier work, and now, this album. Experimental electronics blended with his modern quotorchestralquot sound, the odd pretty melody here and there mixed with innovative keyboard work - I think this is the Vangelis album fans have been waiting for a long time. New ideas as well as one track that was reminiscent of his 70s work on such as quotHeaven and Hellquot and quotAlbedo 0.39quot. I was truly surprised by this album, I was expecting to hear the more orchestral side we have come to expect in recent years, but this album is so so much more. The quotRosettaquot album was issued on September 23 in Korea. Although theres been no news from online shops about vinyl release yet, Im very happy to appreciate this emotional music today..Unlike previous project quotMythodeaquot, I felt that his musical style returns to East West era in 90s. I dont know about other vangelis fans, but its really nice to enjoy the total synthesizer work after a long time. I love the last track quotReturn to the voidquot especially because of its aerial soundscape bring up the smell of his 80s style. And finally, I hope that many people get a chance to experience the journey to the space right now. Thank you for reading. There is not one single second of Rosetta that does not have Vangelis signature on it. But at the same time Rosetta never appears to be redundant with any of Vangelis previously released work. This, just as any of his other best albums, is a record with a specific soul and identity. From the melodical ambient of its first half to the more structured pieces of its second part, Vangelis Rosetta achieves its objective of emphasizing the deeply human side of space exploration, and ESA endeavours in particular. Rosetta illustrates the grandeur of space, but also the fragility of this little probe, and the high hopes that support those human beings who built it, in their quest for a better understanding of who we are, and where we come from. I have to confess though that my favorite moment in Rosetta is at the end of Perihelion when one of this typically graceful Vangelisian moments occurs, and only a few notes appear to sound just like a whole universe. After so many years of travelling we have seem to landed. finally it is there, a new album as they say. Although an album contains mostly songs On Vangelis his Rosetta Album there is as far as my ears reach actually one song, or placed in another perspective, one final destination as it seems. Everything around that destination creates a fantastic (space) odyssey among new born stars and the festivity of sunbeams, appearing as we travel along planets and clouds towards our final destination ( Rosettas Waltz). During this galactic event we meet tatters of musical Vangelis pieces from an ancient time recognizable, somehow incomplete and trustful. If I have to explain Rosetta I will not succeed, I can just approach it by saying grab your headphones and start and discover this marvelous universal quest Written by Sufian, September 24, 2016 Vangelis interview in Greek Sunday magazine A new interview with Vangelis will be published in Sundays edition of the Greek magazine quotVIMagazinoquot. The interview runs for several pages and will feature several photographs. quotVIMagazinoquot is the Sunday supplement magazine for the Greek newspaper quotTo Vimaquot. To our knowledge, the Sunday magazine cannot be back-ordered from the newspapers website, and Greek fans are encouraged to get it from the newspaper kiosks this Sunday. Some may recall a few years ago quotVIMagazinoquot conducted an interview with Vangelis, see our post from April 13, 2008 . Reaction from ESA Rosetta spacecraft Yesterday Vangelis quotRosettaquot album was released and perhaps no one was more excited to hear the album than the Rosetta spacecraft. Just a week before its planned touchdown on the comet, the Rosetta spaceraft sent these kind words on its official twitter feed: Written by Dennis, September 23, 2016 Rosetta out now And its out. Decca has released the CD and the vinyl record exactly as planned and (most) digital channels have the music available. Enjoy Remember that you are invited to share your thoughts for publication in a mail to: elsewgmail (Max 450 words, about the album). Written by Dennis, September 22, 2016 Rosetta release hours away - share your review The official release moment for Vangelis new album quotRosettaquot is now just hours away. To celebrate this occasion, you are invited to share your thoughts and opinions on the album on this site. We will publish such reviews spread over several updates throughout the coming week. Please limit your story to roughly 450 words and stick to the topic: The Rosetta album. Reuters article Press agency Reuters also refers to the Vangelis release in this article on the ESA mission: uk. reutersarticleus-space-rosetta-idUKKCN11S0K9Written by Sufian, September 21, 2016 quotRosetta Missionquot timeline video With less than two days to go until Vangelis quotRosettaquot album is released, an animation video is posted on VangelisVevos channel on YouTube. The video is intended as an accompaniment to the CD and vinyl release, and it shows the timeline of ESA Rosettas incredible mission as it rendezvoused with comet 67PChuryumovGerasimenko. The track quotRosettaquot from the upcoming album is played during the animation. After orbiting the comet and collecting a wealth of scientific data for two years, it is expected the Rosetta spacecraft will land on the comet on September 30 in a grande finale. New stock of signed CDs Universal Music runs a Vangelis page on Facebook, it announced today they have secured additional signed CDs in limited numbers, sold exclusively at their online store uDiscoverMusic. As reported in our July 29 update, some 100-limited signed quotRosettaquot CDs were previously offered and were snatched up quickly. This new and limited stock gives fans and collectors alike the chance to obtain this unique item, but hurry up before they go. Written by Sufian, September 20, 2016 Blackpool Illuminations Two weeks ago the quotBlackpool Illuminationsquot kicked off in the city of Blackpool (see our earlier update from September 5 ). One of the projections shown on the Blackpool Tower is a space-themed 3D animation prepared with the participation of ESA and the UK Space Agency. The show is entitled quotChasing Starsquot and features British ESA astronaut Tim Peake. The 3D animation is accompanied by music selections from Vangelis soon to be released album quotRosettaquot. Below we post some additional links relating to the event. Written by Sufian, September 15, 2016 Rosetta album website With less than a week before Vangelis quotRosettaquot album release, Decca has unveiled a lighthearted and fun website dedicated to the album at vangelisrosetta. The website features some music snippets from Vangelis album, while giving the chance to play a shooter game featuring a little spaceship clearing a field of asteroids. On the website there are links to the recent music videos that were posted on YouTube, links to retailers where the album can be obtained, and some additional information. Two more tracks available on Apple iTunes For those who pre-ordered the quotRosettaquot album on Apple iTunes, two additional tracks from the album are made available today, one week before they are available everywhere else. Next to the two previously available tracks quotRosettaquot and quotMission Accomplie (Rosettas Waltz)quot, the two new tracks are quotStarstuffquot and quotElegyquot. Preview audio samples In a previous update we linked to an online store BOL that put up extended audio previews from the quotRosettaquot album. The audio previews has since been withdrawn as they were posted on BOL by mistake. However, another option to listen to audio excerpts is at the online store sounds-venlo. nl. Check the link below: Thanks to Haro Musters for the bol info Written by Dennis, September 10, 2016 Vangelis Rosetta (Elsew CD review) The world first encountered Vangelis musical ideas for the European Space Agencys Rosetta mission in 2014 when ESA used three new pieces of music donated by Vangelis in their videos to celebrate the Philae landers touchdown on the 67PChuryumovGerasimenko comet. All three videos went instantly quotviralquot. Vangelis returned to this topic when he composed an entire album of music dedicated to the Rosetta mission. The album includes the three original tracks (their complete versions) with ten more new compositions, now about to be released on Universals Decca label, to be available on CD, vinyl LP and digital download streaming. All music on quotRosettaquot was performed by Vangelis, playing his synthesizers. Contrary to albums like quotMythodeaquot, the original score for quotAlexanderquot, or some other post-millennium works, this album was not recorded with an orchestra or even a choir. While the style of the music is very diverse, what stands out the most is that Vangelis returns to recording distinctly electronic music. A genre that was largely missing from his output since roughly 1996. While the tracks we heard in 2014 where mainly crafted in Vangelis recognizable semi-classical quotsymphonicquot style, performed on synthesizers with a touch of added electronics, much of the other music follows different paths with unearthly sounds and less conventional arrangements. Tracks involving bouncing sequences, warm electronic pads, supported by plenty of electronic sound effects both subtle and prominent do help propel the music towards a more space and science oriented direction. And while a certain symphonic grandeur, both recognizable and effective, does appear from time to time, Vangelis allows his synthesizers to sound like synthesizers again. A trademark quality for Vangelis is the wide diversity of music that fits no, that Vangelis manages to make fit the albums thematic concept. Where the delightful quotStarstuffquot could be interpreted as celebrating the delicate wonders of our universe with subtle warm tones marinated in a slightly melancholic sauce of wonder, quotInfinitudequot may explore the vastness of space and the incredible distances travelled by the space probe with an almost lamenting electronic choir singing a beautiful hypnotic tune. quotExo Genesisquot goes all out, in an almost chaotic melting pot of sounds and harmonies. quotCelestial Whispersquot is a lighter, new age like tune to provide some relief. quotAlbedo 0.06quot is a perfect juxtaposition between electronic sequencing and Vangelis more lush semi-orchestral palette. quotSunlightquot is a serene and gentle track until its crescendo of light beams shifts the music into a sparkly collection of warm yet melancholic harmonies. Very quotVangelisquot. The albums title track quotRosettaquot starts like a bit of a sad French style instrumental ballad that could have been a bit too common if it didnt so masterfully build into something much more than that. quotPerihelionquot turns Vangelis into high octane overdrive mode, where he layers his symphonic improvisations over fast electronic sequences, full of crescendos and tense stabs Exciting material. quotElegyquot may be the most classical composition of the album, and it certainly fits its name, serving as a respectful and sincere farewell to a groundbreaking mission, followed only by the delicate ambient sound with psychologically perfected timing in the otherworldly quotReturn To The Voidquot that concludes the album. As for the previously heard tracks, they are all there, as complete versions, in the same performance and production as in their respective videos, now properly mastered for the album. The Rosettas Waltz track was actually complete in the ESA video and has now been renamed to quotMission Accomplie (Rosettas Waltz)quot on the album. Philaes Journey is now some 18 seconds longer, properly concluding this intricate composition, now retitled to quotPhilaes Descentquot. The music from the Arrival video is the one that changed the most, with some improved mixing, and without editing it down for the video, the result is now twice as long (2:10 in the YouTube video, now 4:21) and renamed to quotOrigins (Arrival)quot. The album version evolves differently than the YouTube version, which faded to an alternative end shortly after an electronic sequence started playing. On the album, the sequence becomes more prominent and continues the song far beyond what we originally heard, into an ending of its own. If you obtain the album on CD (we will inspect the vinyl 2LP release on a later occasion), it comes packaged in a beautifully designed gatefold sleeve, sized like a Digipak. A booklet is inserted in the first flap and the CD in the second. The 16 page booklet contains information on the albums background, details about ESA and its efforts and goals as well as an introduction to the Rosetta mission. Also included are photographs and illustrations on the space probe, its lander and the comet, as well as a timeline detailing the important mission events. Nothing in the world is completely perfect, and in Rosettas case, this may be perceived in some slight unplanned distortions in the tracks quotSunlightquot and quotPerihelionquot. Some may say that polishing of the production is not as perfect as we sometimes heard in the standard Vangelis set with some of his albums in the 80s and 90s, but this is certainly also part of the albums charm. Isnt quotauthenticquot always also slightly raw This is music that comes straight from the heart, is masterly performed, arranged and produced, and will quench manys long lasting thirst for fresh output in the much admired line of Vangelis space and science oriented music. Finally Here it is. Rosetta Written by Dennis, September 9, 2016 Full length Rosetta EPK now available Rosettas EPK film quotBlackpool Illuminationsquot Festival Second track from Rosetta album made available Two new Rosetta Teaser videos EPK trailer on Youtube, everywhere except the USA Vangelis in trailer for Rosetta EPK video iTunes US has previews for all thirteen Rosetta tracks Third Rosetta Teaser video Rosetta Teaser video contains first new music Rosetta links Vangelis upcoming quotRosettaquot album officially announced New music inspired by space mission RELEASED 23rd SEPTEMBER on DECCA RECORDS DECCA today announces a brand new album entitled Rosetta by legendary composer and pioneer of electronic music, Vangelis . inspired by his long-held passion for space. Released on 23rd September . Vangelis breathtaking recording is inspired by the Rosetta Mission . a pioneering project by the European Space Agency (ESA) to land a probe on a comet for the first time in history. The release of the recording marks the culmination of the 12-year mission and is accompanied by incredible footage captured by the probe. Vangelis . whose celebrated scores include the trailblazing Chariots of Fire and Blade Runner , reveals his musical inspiration: quot Mythology, science and space exploration are subjects that have fascinated me since my early childhood. And they were always connected somehow with the music I write. quot The project came about after ESA astronaut Andreacute Kuipers, a long-standing fan of Vangelis, reached out to the composer whilst aboard the International Space Station. After sharing stories and experiences via a video call from the ISS, Vangelis was inspired to write Rosetta. The music is dedicated to everyone who made ESAs ongoing Rosetta Mission possible, in particular extending the track Rosetta Waltz as an expression of his appreciation to the mission team. Carl Walker from ESA says of the project: quotWhen we put the mission footage images together with the music, we thought it captured how people would feel if they were to see the comet for real in close-up. With music, you can enhance emotions and create memories: I believe that what Vangelis wanted to do was share a lasting memory of our Rosetta mission through his music. quot Vangelis music is often linked to themes of science, history and exploration. Alongside his Academy Award-winning score for Chariots of Fire, he has written the choral symphony Mythodea for NASAs 2001 Mission to Mars, as well as films including Antarctica, 1492: Conquest of Paradise and Alexander. His music has also been used in the documentary series Cosmos, by Carl Sagan. To Vangelis, music is a sacred, basic force of the universe, its purpose to elevate, inspire and to heal humankind. Never has this been more obvious than on Rosetta, which perfectly blends his fascination with the universe and his masterly ability to compose stirring music that fuels the senses. As ESAs Carl Walker says: quot It is music that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck. quot 01 - Origins (Arrival) 02 - Starstuff 03 - Infinitude 04 - Exo genesis 05 - Celestial whispers 06 - Albedo 0.06 07 - Sunlight 08 - Rosetta 09 - Philaes descent 10 - Mission accomplie (Rosettas Waltz) 11 - Perihelion 12 - Elegy 13 - Return to the void Most of us are familiar with three of the tracks on this album, as they were originally published by ESA in a series of Youtube videos, released in November 2014, on the day that ESAs Philae lander touched down on the comet 67PChuryumovGerasimenko. Vangelis has since expanded those tracks into a full album that tells the story of the Rosetta probe from start to finish, as its release now roughly coincides with the end of this fascinating galactic mission. Rosetta is a space probe, designed and built by the European Space Agency (ESA), launched on March 2 2004 and after two succesfull asteroid fly-bys it finally reached its destination on August 6 2014 by entering an orbit around the comet it had been chasing. From there ESA released and succesfully landed its accompanying lander module Philae, which landed on November 12, triggering the release of the ESA videos with the initial three Vangelis tracks. The Rosetta probe has since continued to study the comet and will do so until September 30, when a slow crash landing is planned, which will enable the craft to gather even more detailed scientific information. Some of the missions most prolific scientific successes include the discovery that the comets nucleus has a magnetic field of its own, and that this comet contains some basic ingredients crucial to the origins of life, adding merit to theories that passing or crashing comets may just have played an important role in our very own origination. Check out the following link to ESAs official Rosetta mission web site: sci. esa. introsettaSome links to Decca related resources on the web Vangelis album: Sign up for Deccas Vangelis news mailinglist here: zaphod. uk. vvhpvvreg11612-459406.html Universal has been maintainging an official (coorporate) Facebook page about Vangelis, which will also post Rosetta related updates: facebookVangelisOfficial Editted: 22:40 CET Decca sold one hunderd signed copies of the CD release here store. udiscovermusic. 000000 but sold them out in a matter of hours. The Elsewhere Vangelis site celebrates this upcoming release with a countdown to the release day (and the very moment the online digital release should become available) at the top of this page, as well as a temporarily adjusted site design. The album will be available as CD, vinyl double LP and digital download, as well as streaming. Pre-ordering is available as of this moment, and in some cases (including iTunes) will give instant access to one track, the one named quotMission Accomplie (Rosettas Waltz)quot. The same track has become available (in some territories) in Spotify (and probably some other streaming platforms as well): open. spotifytrack4Iwkad0iVQXbPgkDWM8cu5Be sure to check back here regularly, while we keep counting down. We will follow the developments closely. Written by Dennis, July 28, 2016 Official teaser for quotRosettaquot El Greco Anniversary Edition box sets international re-release Track list for quotRosettaquot NASAs Juno video uses Vangelis quotTitansquot UK release of Vangelis quotRosettaquot album Vangelis - quotRosettaquot
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